G7 initiatives are appreciated but not enough

My take on G7 Summit:

Covid-19 Pandemic:


No one is safe until every one is safe. This is not an issue with rich or poor. As like many others We were also monitoring closely the G7 summit and the declaration came as a dissatisfaction. G7 countries planning to donate only 1 billion covid-19 vaccines to poor countries which is really not enough. We were expecting G7 will give top priority to global health safety. Critics has termed the G7 summit as an economic dialog to boost the clubs economy, there was nothing much to appreciate for the world.


There was no clear guidance on pharmaceuticals manufacture companies, minimize profit hunger race of pharma and maximize the vaccine availability of the common people. A study says world is in need of 11 billion vaccines for the poor and developing countries. The charity of 1 billion vaccines planned by G7 will not play much impact.


The world need vaccine now and there is no plan B, we were expecting stress on this issue in the G7 but somehow the focus lost.

Climate Change Initiatives:


Last G-7 summit was held in 2019. There were many promises but little action. As like previous summits climate change issue was key focus of G7 leaders in this summit too but there was no specific announcement of financial measures to combat climate risk challenges.


The group stressed on zero carbon emission by shifting to renewable energy but the road map taken 2050 which is a big set back. We have only one earth and we cant wait another 30 years to heal the pain of mother earth.


I was expecting the declaration of fund for climate vulnerable countries of the world from G7 but dissatisfied. So the initiatives on climate change by G7 is appreciated by not enough. However, we are expecting to see the plans in action not just on table talk.

Counts Terrorism:


This summit was interesting as President Biden was present for the first time and there is a shift of policy from Trump administration. However due previously agreed geopolitical conscnscious to contain China there will be special relation between UK-USA and all other member countries. Baiden advocated his theory, “Build back better for the world.” Critics says it is to tackle China’s Road and Belt initiative. It appears there will be more tension between China vs Club of 7 in coming days.


Whatever, we want to see a tolerate, safe and happy world , leaving no one behind.

M Sadrul Ahmed Khan, Member, Finanace and Planning Affairs Sub-Committee, Bangladesh Awami League.